Application scope is one of the best resources for machine learning. Over the last six years they have released 238 videos spanning 291 hours of free lectures, as well as a book, Github repos, a deep learning library, documentation, notebooks, and so on.

Problem space

Meanwhile, the scope of machine learning has progressed exponentially over that timeline, so not every topic is covered in each course (for example, object detection was last covered in 2019). This causes students to often ask questions on the forums about topics which have been covered in previous years but are not present in the most recent iteration of the course. Furthermore, while video lectures are at the core of the knowledge base, at 2-3 hours per lecture, they aren't easily searchable due to their length and visual modality.


Fortunately, course lectures convey information primarily via speech, speech can be captured in transcripts, and timestamped transcripts can be treated as a document corpus over which well understood information retrieval methods can be applied.

I thus built FastSearch, a semantic search engine and indexing pipeline which utilize all six years of lectures to find exact timestamps relevant to thousands of student questions: